A Sleeve Journey

The Time is Now

Turkey Bacon Crackers


I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately regarding how I make my turkey bacon cracker substitutes. The answer really isn’t straight forward enough to give a simple “recipe”, but I’ll try anyways!

I  use Butterball Lower Sodium Turkey Bacon – but any should do!

Lay the bacon flat on a plate and microwave! Yup, that simple… and yet difficult at the same time. There is a fine line to catch the turkey bacon after it is no longer limp, but before it comes burnt. It may take you a few tries to figure out where this place is, but once you do it will come easily. What I do is listen for when the sizzling slows down significantly. When it sounds like it is soon going to stop sizzling, that is where your bacon has reached peak crispy wonderfulness, but has not yet burnt. Time varies wildly depending on microwave and how many pieces of bacon you cook at once, so listening (and looking!) is really the key here. Once they have cooled off I break them into smaller pieces and enjoy! They also stay crispy in a Tupperware in the fridge for days.

These cracker alternatives are great with cheese, tuna, chicken salad, or just about any other way you’d use a cracker!

Bacon Crackers

with cheese!

2 thoughts on “Turkey Bacon Crackers

  1. I like this but wonder about the fat content. Most pork is hard on my system because of the fat.

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